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Toward a meaningful art curriculum in early childhood education: Examining pedagogical growth in an early childhood teacher through a learning-based collaboration

Posted on:2006-07-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Indiana UniversityCandidate:Yang, HeayoungFull Text:PDF
Art has long been recognized and valued in early childhood education as an essential and important component of the curriculum. Yet, while the benefits of art for young children are increasingly clear, early childhood teachers' practice of art teaching often is not consistent with this realization. Several authors argue that art curriculum for young children should be improved because rather than being designed to provide children meaningful art experiences, art activities, too often, are used to give children a shallow experience. Thus, the primary purpose of this study was to examine the impact on an early childhood teacher and a researcher of participating in a learning-based collaboration designed to develop and implement meaningful art curriculum for young children. Through this collaborative research professional development evolved that was of mutual benefit to both parties. The result of this research contributed to the field by enhancing understanding about how to create change in early childhood art curriculum and how to help the early childhood teachers construct informed decisions about art teaching. In addition, the researchers found that children's potential for art learning, their opportunity to experience transformational learning, is as enhanced or limited depending on the educators' capabilities. It is not just children who need to grow but those who work with young children need to grow, too.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early childhood, Art, Curriculum, Children
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