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Technology integration practices in science teacher education: A case study of two courses in a science teacher preparation program

Posted on:2006-04-25Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Columbia University Teachers CollegeCandidate:Baldwin, Brian CharlesFull Text:PDF
This study examined two different courses in a science teacher preparation program with special attention given to the integration of computer technology. Previous research regarding technology integration in teacher preparation courses have often focused solely on the students, or future tendencies to teach with technology. This study used a case study methodology to examine the following aspects of technology integration: the types of technology integrated in each course, the impact of the instructors, and the difference in the impact between preservice and inservice students.; Results indicated that the practical experience of being K--12 science teachers who taught with technology greatly impacted both the types of technology used, as well as the methods of technology integration. Results also indicated that there was a difference in the impact of computer technology on the preservice teachers and inservice teachers. Further investigation indicated that the educational philosophies between these two groups of students had an impact on the impact of technology.; The implications of this study are pertinent for four groups: science teachers, science teacher educators, science teacher education programs, and science education researchers.; Future directions for research from data presented in this study include further investigation of the dichotomy between the preservice and inservice students, as well as the re-formulation of programmatic changes in the structure and methods of technology integration in science teacher preparation programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Science teacher, Technology, Integration, Courses, Case study
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