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Recruiting and Retaining Canadian Minor Hockey Players by Local Youth Club Hockey Organizations, Canada's Governing Hockey Organizations, Major Junior, and Intercollegiate Hockey Organizations: Exploring Canada's Elite Level Hockey Development System

Posted on:2013-02-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Edwards, Jonathon R. JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390008971988Subject:Business Administration
There are two pivotal transition points for Canadian elite level minor hockey players and parents; the first transitional point is when a Canadian player and parent is transitioning from the Peewee (11-12 years old) level to the Bantam (13- 14 years old) level, and must decide whether to try out for club level hockey or continue to play at a house league level. The second transitional point is between the ages 14 to 16 years old where a Canadian elite level player and parent has three pathways to choose from: the Canadian Hockey League (CHL), Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS), and/or National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I hockey.;Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to explore the strategies, processes, and support mechanism implemented by local youth hockey clubs, Canadian governing hockey bodies, Major Junior, and Intercollegiate hockey organizations (henceforth, Hockey Organizations) in Canada and United States with respect to the recruitment and retention of the most talented elite level hockey players in Canada's Elite Level Hockey Development System (CELHDS). The methods of data collection used were interviews and secondary sources (e.g., documents). Interviews were conducted with representatives from local youth hockey clubs from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and the governing hockey bodies in Canada and Alberta; along with the experts who have a direct knowledge and experience with the CHL, CIS, and the NCAA.;A three study format was used for this dissertation; the first study explored the player retention strategies and regulations that can be influential in a player's and parent's decision regarding trying out for club level hockey or continuing with community level hockey. The second study explored club hockey manager's recruiting, hiring, and retaining processes to have the most qualified coach to represent the club hockey organization. The final study examined the CHL, CIS, and NCAA support mechanisms provided to their member organizations for the recruitment of Canadian minor hockey players. Based on the findings from the three case studies, management of the Hockey Organizations take a professional approach to the recruitment and retention of the most talented Canadian elite level minor hockey players.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hockey, Elite level, Canadian, Organizations, Local youth, Canada
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