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The influence of perceived organization support on collective teacher efficacy

Posted on:2014-06-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Breen, Isabel TFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The changing demographics in American society increasingly add new levels of complexity in the social structure of educational school organizations. NCLB requirements call for a quality teacher in every classroom. Teacher characteristics prescribe the minimum qualifications for subject matter content; however, fail to address the responsibilities of the educational organization and the socioemotional aspects of the teaching profession. Educational literature documents the positive correlation between teacher individual and collective efficacy and student achievement; yet, few studies focus on the organizational structures that enhance or diminish teacher collective efficacy. In light of increasing classroom challenges, such as poverty, hunger, homelessness, and lack of resources in the elementary and middle school population, the current study purpose was a determination of a possible relationship between perceptions of organization support and teacher collective efficacy among K–8 teachers. A cross-sectional analysis was conducted on 114 K–8 teachers using social media as the primary tool for data collection. Results of the study indicate a positive correlation between perceived organizational support and teacher collective efficacy. Additional regression analysis of individual scale items demonstrates that perceived organizational support may be a positive predictor in teacher efficacy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teacher, Organization, Efficacy, Support, Perceived, Collective
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