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The new dynamics of immigrants' political incorporation: A multi-method study of political participation and mobilization among Asian and Latino immigrants in the United States

Posted on:2002-01-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Yale UniversityCandidate:Wong, Janelle StaciFull Text:PDF
GTID:1466390011997864Subject:Political science
This study focuses on the political incorporation and mobilization of contemporary Asian American and Latino immigrants. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods involving analysis of survey data, in-depth interviews, and field work conducted in New York City and Los Angeles, I find that, at the individual-level, Asian and Latino immigrants demonstrate some processes of political incorporation that are quite similar to past waves of European immigrants. That is, just as in the past, the most important determinants of political participation among immigrants today have to do with socioeconomic status and acculturation into American life. Consistent with the experience of past groups from Europe I also find that politicization over time is an inevitable aspect of life for most contemporary Asian American and Latino, immigrants. However, there are also critical differences between past and present waves of immigrants in terms of how they become politically incorporated in the American political system. These differences in how immigrants become involved in the political system can be attributed to changes in the institutions that are mobilizing newcomers towards participation in American politics. I argue that mainstream political institutions, most notably political machines and party organizations, have had little incentive to mobilize immigrants towards politics in the contemporary era and that community-based institutions are more likely to help immigrants become involved in American politics. The implications of these institutional changes are examined.
Keywords/Search Tags:Immigrants, Political, American, Asian, Participation
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