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Building better readers: An investigation of Parent Tutoring Packages to increase academic reading achievement and improve parent tutoring behavio

Posted on:2002-11-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Mississippi State UniversityCandidate:Nail, Melissa HolderFull Text:PDF
GTID:1467390011995930Subject:Elementary education
A single subject research design was used to investigate the effects of Parent Tutoring Packages on academic reading achievement and parental involvement of second grade students experiencing failure in a basal reading program. The Parent Tutoring Packages were designed around a school's adopted basal reading program and incorporated opportunities to respond with parental involvement. Following introduction of the Parent Tutoring Packages, the students were expected to demonstrate increases in academic reading achievement as measured by the adopted basal reading program's published reading test. The caregivers were expected to demonstrate increases in parental involvement as measured by the Parent Tutoring Assessment (PTA). Findings indicated that the participating students' average weekly test scores were higher after being introduced to the Parent Tutoring Packages. Additionally, one participating caregiver scored better on the PTA after using the Parent Tutoring Packages. This indicated that the Parent Tutoring Packages may have contributed to the development of improved tutoring behaviors, attitudes, and child-parent communications. Recommendations were made for classroom teachers to make Parent Tutoring Packages available to students who are experiencing failure in a basal reading program. Recommendations were also made to replicate this study to investigate the benefits of parents as tutors using constructivist learning activities. Further recommendations were made for replication studies which (a) used a control group design, (b) provided caregivers with more training and support, and (c) used the tutoring activities in the classroom. Additional studies were recommended to learn to more accurately assess parents' tutoring behaviors and attitudes and the effects of parents' tutoring behaviors and attitudes on students' learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tutoring, Academic reading achievement, Students, Studies, Recommendations were made
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