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Understanding preschoolers' problem-solving in Logo microworlds through critical analysis of audit trails

Posted on:1997-02-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of North Carolina at GreensboroCandidate:Allen, Catherine JeanFull Text:PDF
Audit trails are the captured and stored responses a learner initiates as he/she travels through an interactive learning environment. This research, through audit trail analysis, examined the decision points along the paths that individual children or groups of children from a uniquely understudied, minority preschool aged, at risk population chose as they problem solved in the interactive context of Logo.;Quantitative analysis examined the impact of the cognitive stylistic tempos of reflectivity vs. impulsivity. The mean decision making quotients (DMQs) of the reflective subjects were significantly higher than the DMQs of the impulsive subjects. The impulsive subjects were also found to have significantly higher percentages of attempted forward motion moves that resulted in prohibition of forward movement caused by internal barriers and/or the confines of the microworlds. Individual differences of selected subjects were examined qualitatively using case study formats. Unique strategies and preferences of movement throughout the microworlds were discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Microworlds, Subjects
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