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Effect of professional socialization on physical therapists' ethical conduct

Posted on:1995-01-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Nof, LeahFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was (1) to assess how successful a physical therapy program was in socializing students into the profession, and to determine whether students internalize the values promoted by the program and continue to follow them in later practice, and (2) to learn whether differences among physical therapists in their professional ethics and values can be predicted based on their gender, age of entry into the program, and race.;It was hypothesized that the school has an effect on both socialization and internalization of professional values. It was also predicted that gender, race and age would have an effect on participants' professional ethics and values.;The study was conducted at Florida A&M University, a traditionally black school; the population was the current junior and senior classes in the physical therapy program, and the graduates of the program in the preceding three years. There were ultimately 142 participants: 45 juniors, 40 seniors, and 57 graduates.
Keywords/Search Tags:Physical, Program, Professional, Effect
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