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Stress among court officers who preside in criminal and family court

Posted on:2016-03-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Gibbs Wagner, AmandaFull Text:PDF
The following study sought to determine if court officers who worked in either criminal and or family court, in New York City suffered from high levels of stress, as do their fellow colleagues in law enforcement. Though they are exposed to trauma, at a different level, in a secondary form, is their stress level just as high as a police officer, or a correction officer? To determine if court officers suffer from stress, at equal or higher levels, two surveys were made available to potential volunteers online, via Survey Monkey, The Police Stress Survey and the Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale. The research found that in fact, yes though court officers are exposed to traumatic events, in a secondary form, their level of stress is equal in severity to that of their colleagues, who witness traumatic events firsthand.
Keywords/Search Tags:Court officers, Stress
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