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The Working Stress Analysis And Countermeasures To Officers Below Battalion In Military School Of PLA

Posted on:2016-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330509960580Subject:Army innovation management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The belo w-batt alio n-o fficers o f cadet t eam in milit ar y schoo l o f PLA are the backbo ne o f per fo rming dut ies o f t he milit ar y educat io n and basic training management affairs,p lay a fundament al and cr it ical ro le in t he milit ar y talent s training and grassroots co nstruct io n work. They are not o nly leaders o f cadet teams, but also leads t he way cadet milit ary career. The level o f t heir work et hic and sense o f respo nsibilit y and t he strengt h o f t heir abilit y det ermine t he qualit y o f t he milit ar y perso nnel training in a large ext ent. Therefo re, t he fo cusing o n t he physical and psycho lo g y healt h o f belo w-battalio n-o fficers o f cadet t eam, and enhanc ing t he ir physical and ment al qualit y has far-reaching significance.This t hesis select s t he belo w-battalio n-o fficers o f cadet team, who's pressure is larger t han ot hers', as t he o bject o f stud y; makes a syst emat ic research o n t heir daily stress analysis and gives pressure count er measures co mbined w it h t he actual. The main co nt ent s include t he fo llo w ing fo ur aspects: First ly, st ress and co ping st yle analysis. Pressure o n t he o fficers o f cadet team and cop ing st yles quest io nnaires, analyze t he pressure o fficers o f cadet t eam and stress co ping stat us. Seco nd ly, stress and cop ing assessment s. According to survey results, the cadet corps of cadre's pressures quantitative assessment o f t he current sit uat io n and t he product io n o f pressure cadet corps o f cadres evaluat io n for m. Third ly, est ablish pressure co unt er measures. Acco rd ing to cadet corps of cadre's pressure situation, establish EAP-based cadet corps of cadre's pressure countermeasures. Finally, select the actual case by using t he pro po sed co unt er measures fo r vert ical and hor izo nt al co mpar iso n, get t he pract icalit y and effect iveness co nfir med.
Keywords/Search Tags:Military school of PLA, Officers of cadet team, Stress analysis, Pressure countermeasure s
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