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Implementation of the Regional Quota System in Nigeria's Centralized University Admission Policy

Posted on:2015-06-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Walden UniversityCandidate:Nsoedo, Ezeakukwu EmmanuelFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390017491620Subject:Political science
The problem addressed in this study was the perceived inequity, discrimination, and dysfunction of the geographic quota system and centralization of higher education in Nigeria. Little research has explored the student, faculty, and leadership perceptions of policy implementation impacts, and this study contributes to that body of knowledge. Guided by the advocacy theoretical framework, which provided a context to understand the changing dynamics of quota policy acceptance and implementation of centralized state control of the higher education system, this case study interviewed 10 students, faculty, admissions staff, and elected officials on their perceptions of policy implementation. Interviews were supplemented with enrollment and related data collected on university admissions. All data were analyzed by identifying and coding key themes. Key findings included that the policy has been ineffective and that it discriminates against southern students. Findings also revealed that the policy engendered low education quality and encouraged corruption in the university admission process. Resulting recommendations include adjusting the mix of quota criteria that would enable southern students to compete for more slots, addressing the 2-tier admissions process that has evolved in some universities, and/or abandoning the system altogether. The positive social change implications can emerge from a broader understanding of the impact of the quota/centralization issue that could influence the way policy formulators approach university admission policy. The subsequent policy change could lead to students having greater access to and diversity in the university system. The greater fairness and potential long-term economic and social benefits would positively impact Nigeria's development.
Keywords/Search Tags:System, University, Policy, Quota, Implementation
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