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How do they fare? A study of learning achievement and satisfaction with blended learning for traditional-age undergraduates at moderately selective colleges

Posted on:2015-02-13Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Northeastern UniversityCandidate:Komarnicki, Janet KuserFull Text:PDF
Blended learning is proliferating rapidly in higher education across the United States. However, this learning environment may pose new challenges to learners at moderately selective colleges who are normally found to be low in autonomy. This study used a quasi-experimental design to examine student learning achievement and satisfaction in two sections of a course, with one being a blended class section and the other being a face-to-face class section. Course content, instructional design, the assessment, and the instructor were matched; the only difference was the mode of instruction. Data on students' learning achievement was collected through a final exam. Students' satisfaction with the class was measured via an end-of-course survey. In addition, the relationship between the constructs of structure, dialogue, and autonomy with satisfaction, as found in Moore's theory of transactional distance, were examined. While the results lacked statistical significance, students in the traditional class achieved slightly higher learning achievement as measured by a final exam, despite a slight lower incoming mean GPA, and they had a slightly higher level of satisfaction. The constructs of transactional distance of structure, dialogue and autonomy showed strong correlation with satisfaction within both classes, but were stronger yet for the blended section. This stronger correlation in conjunction with the slightly lower assessment of satisfaction supports the existence of increased transactional distance, albeit minimal, in a blended format.
Keywords/Search Tags:Blended, Satisfaction, Learning achievement, Transactional distance
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