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Cultures of Support: A Case Study of International Undergraduate Students and International Center Staff Members

Posted on:2015-05-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, IrvineCandidate:Lind, Sonja CamillaFull Text:PDF
This case study explores institutional support of international undergraduate students at a public university in California. The paper examines how international undergraduate students perceived, sought, and provided support, and how international center staff defined and provided support. I define support as "Information and services provided by one party in order for the other party to function in and outside the university. These information and services may also be sought." Research methods included student focus groups and interviews, an online survey for international center staff, and an analysis of Facebook group posts. In conclusion, this study conceptually develops two cultures of support: a bureaucratic culture of support and a caring, relational culture of support. Three main findings include: 1) a need for support of international students' daily life needs; 2) suggestions for communicating support; and 3) implications for international student centers. Implications for university professionals working with international students are included.
Keywords/Search Tags:Support, International, University
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