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Research On The Construction Of Talent Support System For Rural Revitalization Strategy

Posted on:2022-07-31Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306329476634Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposed the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization,and emphasized the establishment of a sound urban and rural integration development system and policy system in accordance with the general requirements of "prosperous industries,ecological livability,civilized civilization,effective governance,and affluent living." Accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.This is a strategic deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core in the new era,which is in line with China's development direction and development goals.Strengthening the construction of rural talent teams is an important part of realizing the great cause of rural revitalization,and also an important driving force for building a well-off society in an all-round way.Accelerating the development of rural human resources,improving the overall quality of farmers,and promoting the long-term development of the rural economy and society have become important topics in the construction of socialist villages with Chinese characteristics.At present,there are many reasons for the lagging of agricultural and rural development in our country,but the most fundamental reason is the bottleneck restriction of the development of rural talents,which brings forward new issues for the development of agricultural and rural talents.The thesis adopts the methods of comparative research,systematic research and normative research.Through analyzing the demand of rural revitalization strategy for talent support,this paper explores the ideological resources of the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy,puts forward the basic content of the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy,probes into the practical path of the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy and constructs the guarantee mechanism of the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy.Specifically,the paper consists of the following six chapters:The first chapter is an introduction.This chapter mainly elaborates on the basis of the topic selection and research significance,the current status of domestic and foreign research,research ideas and methods,the innovations and deficiencies of the thesis.The second chapter is an overview of talent supports system for rural revi talization strategy.This chapter first defines and elucidates the concepts of manp ower,talented person,human capital,human resources,and human resources suppor t systems;secondly,The general requirements of rural revitalization strategy are e xpounded,namely industrial prosperity,ecological livability,rural civilization,effect ive governance,Wealthy life.Finally,the requirements of the rural revitalization st rategy for talent support are clearly defined,including the implementation of th e rural revitalization strategy,which must solve the talent constraints,the challeng es of the talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy,and the opportu nities of the talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy.The third chapter is the theoretical resources for the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy.The theoretical resources for the construction of talent support system for rural revitalization are the related thought of classical Marxism,that is,rural development is related to urban and rural spatial justice,the role of talents should be based on social practice,and the people are the most abundant talent reserve;The related thought of Chinese Marxism,that is,the modernization of agricultural countryside is related to the national economy and the people's livelihood,talent is the first resource of economic and social development,and cultivate rural talents through education;Foreign scholars think that the core of human capital is to improve the quality of the population,human capital accumulation is the source of economic growth,human capital acquisition needs acquired investment;The related thought in Chinese traditional culture,that is,the thought of taking agriculture as the basis,the government governs the thought with talent and maintains the peasant thought.The fourth chapter is the basic content of the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy.The basic contents of the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy include:on the basis of interpreting and expounding the problems of professional farmers,new-type farmers,new-type professional farmers,the urgency of rural rejuvenation and cultivation of new-type professional farmers,the emphasis is on cultivating new-type professional farmers;On the basis of explaining and expounding the connotation,type and function of rural professionals and the importance of rural revitalization to strengthen the construction of rural professionals,it is emphasized that the construction of rural professionals should be strengthened;On the basis of explaining that science and technology problems that science and technology is the first productive force,science and technology talents are the pioneers of new productive forces,science and technology talents are the disseminators of scientific and technological knowledge,and the rural rejuvenation exerts the objectivity of supporting role of scientific and technological talents,it is emphasized that the supporting role of scientific and technological talents should be brought into play;On the basis of expounding the connotation of all sectors of society,the fresh blood of all sectors of society as the contingent of rural talents,the carrier of two-way flow of urban and rural elements,and the necessity of encouraging all sectors of society to devote themselves to rural construction,it is emphasized that all sectors of society should be encouraged to devote themselves to rural construction.The fifth chapter is the practical path for the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy.The practical path for the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy is to cultivate new professional farmers,including the implementation of the sunshine project,the implementation of the rain and dew plan,the implementation of the new professional farmer cultivation project,and the identification and management of new professional farmers;Strengthen the construction of rural professional talent teams,including the implementation of special post teacher plans,the implementation of the "three support and one support" plan,the implementation of the "three districts" talent support plan,the implementation of the grassroots growth plan for college graduates,and the implementation of the poverty alleviation and entrepreneurship leader training project;Carry out entrepreneurship training for migrant workers returning to their hometowns,including implementing the action plan for migrant workers returning to their hometowns,implementing the "Leading Goose" training plan for rural youth entrepreneurship,and creating "Star Creation World" employment and entrepreneurship service platform;play a supporting role for scientific and technological talents,including implementation Science and technology commissioner system,implementation of outstanding agricultural research talent training plan,implementation of outstanding young agricultural scientist project,comprehensive implementation of agricultural technology extension service special appointment plan;encourage all sectors of society to participate in rural construction,including individual citizens Serving rural revitalization in various ways,encouraging and guiding industrial and commercial capital to actively participate in rural revitalization,group organizations to give full play to their talents to support rural revitalization,industry departments use resource advantages to promote rural revitalization and implement rural revitalization activities.The sixth chapter is the operating mechanism for the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy.The operating mechanism for the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy is the establishment of a multi-mode human resources development mechanism,including the combination of self-cultivation and talent introduction,the combination of academic education and skill training,and the acceptance of agricultural vocational education through "half-agriculture and half-read";Establish multi-level talent training cooperation and exchange mechanism,including urban and rural talent training cooperation and exchange,inter-regional talent training cooperation and exchange,inter-school talent training cooperation and exchange;establish urban talent regular service rural mechanism,including teacher regular service villages,doctors regularly serve villages,science and technology talents regularly serve villages,and cultural talents regularly serve villages;establish effective incentive mechanisms,including the return of scientific and technological achievements,part-time remuneration of science and technology talents,and the performance of agricultural technology extension services included in post(named)evaluation;establishment the fund guarantee mechanism includes increasing financial funds related to agriculture,improving the level of financial services,and broadening the channels for raising funds.In short,through the systematic study of the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy,the paper mainly put forward the following innovative views: first,on the basis of systematically combing the concepts of manpower,talent,talent capital,talent resources and so on,focusing on the specific dimensions of rural revitalization strategy,fully explained the concept of talent support system.Second,taking all kinds of talent resources as the main research body,this paper puts forward the basic content and practical path of the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy.Third,the paper has constructed the operation mechanism of the construction of talent supports system for rural revitalization strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:contemporary China, rural revitalization, human resources, talent support system
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