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"Das Kapital" In The Study Of The Idea Of Free Development Of Man

Posted on:2022-08-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Human free development is the subject of Marx's lifelong exploration,and it is also his lifelong career pursuit.From the consideration of “human happiness and our own perfection” when choosing a career to regarding the “the realm of freedom”clearly put forward in Das Kapital as the goal of human free development,all aims to make everyone develop freely and comprehensively,which shows that Marx's thought of human free development is a consistent process.It not only belongs to the spiritual wealth of thought and theory,but also belongs to the social wealth that is becoming reality.The practice of contemporary people is the positive action of turning thought and theory into reality,and also means moving forward to the “realm of freedom”.Freedom is not only the eternal pursuit of human beings and human society,but also the necessary means for the development of human beings and human society.Because of this,many scholars in history have expressed their views on freedom and carried out in-depth discussion.The contemporary academic discussion is basically to study Marx's freedom thought with social development.Due to the different research perspectives,approaches and purposes,it also presents its own characteristics,whether it is the research of the binary division of freedom or research about labor,time and freedom and research of the realization and path of social freedom in the future,these are not separated from Marx's thought of human freedom,or even the development of Marx's thought of human freedom.It can be seen that Marx's thought of human freedom has critical position and huge influence in contemporary academic circles.Marx had much understanding about the free development of human beings in his life,but in Das Kapital,he started the research perspective of economic freedom for the first time.In Das Kapital,Marx not only discusses the essence of human freedom covered by capital freedom under the capitalist operation mechanism,but also reveals the objective law of human social development and points out the great prospect of human liberation,that is,the process of human independent personality development based on social freedom.The thought of human free development in Das Kapital is an important part of Marx's thought about man's emancipation.To study Marx's thought of human free development,we should adhere to the basic principles of Marxism and the logic of“starting point ?necessary premise? measure standard ?ultimate goal”.Based on Das Kapital and its economic manuscripts and with the approach of literature research,inductive analysis,systematic research,from abstract to concrete,the unity of history and logic and other research methods,according to the theoretical logic in Das Kapital,this paper discusses the non freedom of wage labor in the capitalist operation mechanism and the essence and performance of freedom under capitalist production relations,reveals that capital freedom is the greatest reality of capitalist social development,and points out that the development of human independent personality under social freedom is the trend of future social development.The paper follows the layout structure of “from the whole to the part”.The first chapter is the “whole”,the second chapter to the fifth chapter are the “parts”,which are the specific explanations to the content.The first chapter focuses on Marx's different understanding of freedom before and after the Das Kapital.In this part,the basic content of the thought of human free development in Das Kapital is summarized as four points: labor commodity is the logical starting point of human free development,returning to the social attribute of capital is the necessary premise of human free development,labor time is the measure of human free development and the realm of freedom is the ultimate goal of human free development.The second chapter discusses the relationship between labor commodity and human free development,aiming to reveal that labor commodity is the logical starting point of human free development.In capitalist society,although labor commodity appears in the form of “free man”,whose freedom is based on nothing.With the development of labor commodity,the freedom of its own use value is more and more replaced by exchange value,which inevitably leads to the devaluation of human self value.To change this situation,it is necessary to change production relations,change commodity production into product production,and change labor commodity into real production factor.The third chapter studies the relationship between capital and human free development,aiming to point out that returning to the social attribute of capital is the necessary premise of human free development.As a product of the development of commodity economy society,the purpose of capital development is to pursue surplus value.However,in the process of its development,capital is more and more manifested as a social force,which objectively creates realistic material conditions for human free development.Through the study of the logic of capital movement,Marx found the reality of capital freedom.Under the freedom of capital,capital is endowed with human nature,while human's social dominance is obliterated.To overcome the freedom of capital and realize the free development of human beings,we must change from the independence of capital to the independence of human beings,from the freedom of form to the freedom of reality,and from the freedom of politics to the freedom of economy.The fourth chapter explores the relationship between labor time and human free development,aiming to reflect that labor time is the measure of human free development.In capitalist society,in order to accumulate more wealth and obtain as much surplus value as possible,capitalists use shift system,two different forms of wages,and “eliminating space with time” to squeeze workers' surplus working time and deprive workers of their free development time.To overcome this point,we should start from three aspects: the extension of social morality,the fairness of social development and the inevitability of social development,to see the scientificity of social development and the inevitability of human labor freedom development in social morality,to adhere to the social regulations under the legal compulsion,and to realize the generalization of labor and change from negative free labor to positive free labor.The fifth chapter expounds the relationship between the realm of freedom and human free development,aiming to show that the realm of freedom is the ultimate goal of human free development.The realm of freedom is based on the real material foundation of the realm of necessity.It realizes positive freedom and real freedom.Its realization is a natural historical process and reflects the value orientation of human beings.The conditions for the realization of the realm of freedom include the shortening of working days,the elimination of the old division of labor and the reconstruction of individual ownership.With the development of the realm of freedom,human freedom will be fully integrated with the development of the nature,society and human itself,which shows that human and nature complement each other,the formation of the free man union and the full development of human free personality.In a word,the realm of freedom will be a society based on economic freedom,in which human free personality will be fully developed.In this society,human material will be fully protected,human dignity will be fully valued,and human value will be fully reflected.
Keywords/Search Tags:Das Kapital, human free development, labor commodity, social capital, labor time, the realm of freedom
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