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Variable And Invariant Order:the Hierarchical Status And Political Order Of The Aristocratic Manor In Jiangzi County Tibet

Posted on:2021-07-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:P B ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1487306032450034Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cidan manor in Jiangzi county of Back Tibet,is a sample village for the author's rural research in Tibetan areas.Cidan manor was a typical aristocratic manor,before the democratic reform.Compared with the family system in the inland villages of China,the aristocratic manor system in Tibetan areas is a unique existence;compared with the aristocratic manor in Western Europe which has long been disintegrated,the aristocratic manor in Tibetan areas which may continue to exist without external intervention is also a unique existence.Tibetan aristocratic manor system is a complete,typical and comparable social structure,if the inland household system is compared to a plate of loose stone,which takes the power of the state to come together,then the Tibetan aristocratic manoris a closed miniature kingdom,where except for the tribute and taxes,the manor had little to do with the state,if the aristocratic manor of Western Europe is called the model of national feudalism,the aristocratic manor in Tibetan area is more self-generated,solidified and closed.At the same time,Tibetan aristocratic manor system is a typical endogenous system,with unlimited adaptability and viability,understanding the dominant norms and structural constraints from traditional societies and connecting tradition to the present,is the key to promoting the development of Tibetan areas.The author is limited by time and ability,it is beyond my ability to make a comparative study between ancient and modern China and the west in a paper.A journey of a thousand miles begins at your feet.The ambition of this paper is to try to ask and answer:what is the status of the order(hierarchy and political order)of the noble manor represented byCidanmanor in Jiangzi county of Back Tibetas?what is the reason why the order is in a state of long-term solidification?what is the cause of the dissimilation in the solidified normality?The order of Tibetan aristocratic manor has its own characteristics,theancestral lineage divided the members of the manor into five classes:aristocracy,chaiba,duiqiong,langsheng and pariah in which each level has its own behavioral relationships and habits.The ordered order of aristocratic estates was based on the reasonable rights enjoyed by all members,in which,the prerogatives of the aristocratic lords fulfilled the family's expectations of generations of luxury,and the rights of chaiba,duiqiong,langsheng and pariah not only realized their own survival,but also satisfied the aristocratic desire.Rights not only distinguish and arrange the members of the manor,but also reinforce the differences of rank and status and give the order strong stability.In the aristocratic manor,the starting point of members' behaviors is to strengthen their psychological perception of identity,which needs to be expressed in a certain way,wealth,prestige,religion,power and other media highlight the nobility of the glory and honor.At the same time,these mediums frame the members at a specific level and stabilize the order structure of the manor.However,the orderly operation of the aristocratic manor depended on the benign interaction between the members,in order to safeguard the interests of the nobles,the orderly operation of the manor was realized,the order of the aristocratic manor shows occasional variation,but the change of the order is guided by certain rules.Through the research,the paper draws the following conclusions:firstly,the social structure of the aristocratic manor is divided into five levels,and the rank structure of the manor is constructed by the five levels of aristocrats,chaiba,duiqiong,langsheng and pariah.Secondly,the change of the order of aristocratic manor is accidental,and the continuity of the order is hidden under the order of change.Thirdly,the dissimilation of the aristocratic manor order has its own logic of occurrence,the interdependent relationship between the aristocrats and serfs,the need of Tibetan Buddhism to expand its influence and the aristocrats' strategies to maintain the political order are three factors that lead to the change of the aristocratic manor order.Fourthly,in the aristocratic manor,the ancestral lineage factor is the prerequisite for defining the class identity,the level land ownership provides economic base for the stability of order sequence,the aristocracy had to compensate for the inability of the local authorities to maintain order in production and satisfy their own desires by relying on a strong authoritarian hierarchy,and under the strong rule of the aristocracy,the submissibility of the chaiba,duiqong,langsheng and pariah was of great significance to the maintenance of the hierarchical orde.But the visceral obedience to the hierarchical order of chaiba,duiqong,langsheng and pariah is fundamentally based the belief and dependence on Tibetan Buddhism's sin,religion was the fundamental factor that gives the order a strong vitality.
Keywords/Search Tags:noble manor in Tibetan area, the system of hierarchy, the ancestral consanguinity, religious, change of the order, Constant order
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