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A Study On The Synthesis Of Ferulic Acid And Its Derivatives.

Posted on:2002-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z D LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360032950890Subject:Analytical Chemistry
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis reported on the synthesis of ferulic acid and starch ferulate under the condition of the conventional and microwave irradiation. We found out the influence factors of ferulic acid synthesize through quadrature method. The sequence of the influence factors of ferulic acid synthesize in the range we chose as follow: Reaction temperature > mole ration of reactant (malonic acid / vanillin)> reaction time. Moreover, the dosage of solvent has great influence upon the yield of reaction. The optimal condition for the synthesis of ferulic acid is: reaction temperature is 850C; reaction time is lh; the amount of reactant (malonic acid and vanillin) are 13.6g and lOg (mole ration 2:1); the dosage of reaction solvent (pyridine) is 8m1. The yield is 80% based on the starting material vanillin. Under the conditions of 456 W power output and l0min irradiation time, the quantities of reactants are malonic acid 13.Og and vanillin lOg, in pyridine solvent (1 6m1), the yield of reaction is 80%. The result is same as the conventional method. But the synthesis time of microwave method is just on the sixth of that for conventional method. The reports on the synthesis of ferulic acid under microwave condition haven been so far. In order to improve stability of ferulic acid, we have successfully synthesized starch ferulate in this thesis. The reports on the derivatives of ferulic acid, and the starch ferulate haven been found yet. The optimal condition of synthesis of starch ferulate is: reaction temperature is 800C; reaction time is 6h; the quantities of ferulic acid and starch are respectively 0.1 Og and 1 .90g (mass ration is 1:19); the dosage of extraction solvent (chloroform) is 200m1. Under this condition, the amount of reactant ferulic acid in the starch ferulate is 99% of the quantities of ferulic acid devotion. This research result showed that starch ferulate is with comparatively good anti a -amylase hydrolyze potent, which can reduce the chances amylasing by hydrolyze in intestines, increase the possibilities of their being absorbed by the large intestine, and exert the function of anti-intestines cancerous.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ferulic acid, Starch ferulate, Synthesized, Microwave irradiation
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