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Studies On The Regulation Mechanism Of Rustic Tobacco To Oviposition Of Helicoverpa Assulta Guenée And H.armigera Hübner

Posted on:2006-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2133360155958588Subject:Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis took nicotiana tobacco and rustic tobacco and its important harmful insect Helicoverpa assulta Guenee and H. armigera Hubner as research object, considered from insect chemical communication, through a series of experiments in field and laboratory, had determined initially attraction and the action mechanism of the yellow flower tobacco to tobacco budworm.The following is main result :The number of eggs in field and effective range In order to determine the egg amount on rustic tobacco and k326, four kinds of rustic tobacco were interplanted with k326 in the experimental plot of Henan agricultural university. The results showed the number of eggs on rustic tobacco overtop that on nicotiana tobacco markedly. This result confirm attraction of rustic tobacco on tobacco budworm. The effective attracting rang is 15 meters.The activity of attraction of tobacco extract Leaf volatiles and leaves surface extract of nicotiana tobacco and rustic tobacco were extracted by steam distillation and drip-rinsing process respectively, and the attraction effect of extractant to oriental tobacco budworm and cotton bollworm on oviposition were further analyzed. The result showed the number of eggs of oriental tobacco budworm on gauze treated with leaf and leaf surface extractant of rustic tobacco is 2-10 times that of nicotiana tobacco.On the contrary, the number of egg of cotton bollworm on gauze treated with the leaf and leaves surface extractant of nicotiana tobacco is 2-6 times that of rustic tobacco. The result showed both the leaf volatiles and the leaves surface extract of rustic tobacco can attract oriental tobacco budworm to oviposite but not to cotton bollworm, cotton bollworm tend to extract of nicotiana tobacco. Attraction activity of volatile from rustic tobacco Volatile from nicotiana tobacco and rustic tobacco were extracted by steam distillation and dichloromethane as extractant, and then the behavioral response of two kinds of nocturnal moth to volatiles were tested in selective olfactometer. The result showed volatile of rustic tobacco can attract virgin female adult and mated female adult of oriental tobacco budworm, with trapping rate of 36% and 38%, respectively, but there are not attraction to male adult of oriental tobacco budworm, so to female adult and male...
Keywords/Search Tags:tobacco budworm, cotton boolworm, leaves surface extract, volatile, oviposition, attraction
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