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Study On The Digitization Of Nong Zheng Quan Shu

Posted on:2008-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2143360242465477Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of computer, communication and Internet technology, theinformation technology has infiltrated all areas of society; of course, collation ofagricultural ancient books by modernized research tools is inevitable. Digitization ofagricultural ancient books is collation means modernization networking and intelligent. Thepaper studies on the digitization of NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU to find the way of theagricultural ancient book.The main contents of this paper are as follows:First, the paper analyses NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU from the literature study angle,succinctly introduces its content style, the edition source and course and the researchreorganization achievement.Next, the paper analyses NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU by the metrological analysis ofliteratures. The paper studies the periodical paper of NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU form1906-2005, separately from the research paper quantity, the author, the subject and so onmany aspects carries on the analysis, summarizes the main content as well as the nextresearch tendency. The books yearly generation center quotes which to NONG ZHENGQUAN SHU carries on the textual research, approximately was allowed to analyze brightbefore each time the agricultural development situation.Finally, with NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU, an agricultural ancient book of greatimportance, as the main source of data, it manages to construct information system forNONG ZHENG QUAN SHU research. Comprehensive information are collected toconstruct such a database, including different editions of NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU,introduction to the author, related books and articles (periodical articles, conferencearticles, thesis and dissertations, newspapers, etc. ). The information system is arranged in aunique way with special topic and features. To build such a database is of certain academicvalue and can be served as a trial to construct database of large scale for agricultural ancient books. The object is to design prototyping systems for Chinese agricultural cultural andheritage information.This article designs the subject knowledge base of NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU in theretrieval besides the usual classified browsing retrieval and the ordinary key word full textretrieval, but also to collation of NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU the content carries on thedeep level the information excavation, the use word semantic relations carries on theretrieval. Also has the breakthrough in the contact surface design, base on collation ofNONG ZHENG QUAN SHU, the subject knowledge base is arranged and providedcollation information by means of XML label language to carry on the knowledge todiscover. The concept knowledge base of NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU establishes by theXTM and realizes the concept retrieval.This paper uses historical method of literature research, literature metrology. Andaccording to the good and bad points of the existing digitized agriculture ancient book, thepaper proposes the agricultural ancient book digitization reorganizes basic mentality andtechnical method. As an example ofNONG ZHENG QUAN SHU, construct digital ancientbooks retrieval system by the means of database technology, network and full-text retrieval.At last the paper takes the information system for NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU research asthe final production.The last research productions include the scheme of design and construction of thesubject knowledge base and the prototype of the concept knowledge base.
Keywords/Search Tags:NONG ZHENG QUAN SHU, the agricultural ancient book, digitization of ancient books, the knowledge base
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