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Rhythm In The View---A Study On The Use Of Rhythm In E.M.Forster's Novel A Room With A View

Posted on:2002-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360032951804Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
EMForster(1879-1970), a renowned English novelist, delivered a series of lectures entitled Aspects of the Novel in 192 7, in which he offered seven aspects for both the reader and the novelist to study a novel. Among them is his discussion on rhythm. By rhythm Forster means repetition plus variation. Used properly, rhythm can create beauty and stitch the novel together internally. Years later, an American critic and writer David Lodge raises his epetitive pattern?as an efficient analytical approach to literary works in his book Language of Fiction. According to Lodge, if the critic traces the repeated elements in a novel, it will be of great help to understand the theme of the work. Employing their methods, this thesis carries a detailed study of rhythm in Forster own novel A Room with a View, to see how it achieves both meaning and beauty at the same time. This thesis is composed of Introduction, Part I , Part II, Part III, and Conclusion. Introduction gives an account of Forster rhythm and Lodge repetitive pattern; Part I tracts out two recurring key words with detailed analysis of their significance; Part II inquires into the parallel images; Part HI mentions briefly the contrasting plots; In doing so, it comes to the conclusion that rhythm is effective in establishing both meaning and beauty, and the awareness of its existence is the key to an adequate understanding of the works of those who like Forster, consciously make use of it.
Keywords/Search Tags:key, words, image, parallel, repetition, rhythm
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