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On Public Finance Of The Nanjing Provisional Government

Posted on:2005-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H PeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360122486260Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mighty public finance was important support of a government. Since it began, the Nanjing provisional government had to face the serious public financial crisis because of the unbalance of income and expenditure. Although the revolutionaries adopted many measures to increase income under the lead of Sun Yat-sen, but its public finance still did not take a favorable turn. Eventually, the provisional government had to compromise with Yuan shi-kai. This dissertation described the public finance of the Nanjing provisional government and tried to find the relationship of finance and failure of the 1911 's revolution.At first, this dissertation analyzed the income and expenditure of the provisional government, then it pointed out the provisional government's expenditure was very big but the income dropped sharply and faced the public financial difficulty. Secondly, it introduced the measures taken by the provisional government to resolve financial difficulty: the foreign loan, government bonds, the military notes, establishing banks, the financial orders, etc. The author thought these measures have some active effect such as unionize currency, valorization, etc. But they couldn't by the root resolve the public financial difficulties but turn the provisional government's politics and economic crisis on a certain degree. In the following part, it analyzed the reasons of failure of the provisional government on public financial problems. The author thought the comedown of economy in late Qing, flaws of public financial system, suppress from the imperialism, the indifference of the race propertied class, opposition from the peasantry were main reasons. Finally, financial difficulty accelerated the failure of the 1911's revolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:finance, the Nanjing provisional government, the 1911's revolution
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