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The Destiny Of Jiangxue Movements Of Yangming-shool In Later Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2008-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360212490449Subject:History of Ancient China
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The dissertation consists of three parts: the introduction, four chapters of the main text and the conclusion. Its object is a special academic culture phenomenon of Ming Dynasty: Jiang-Xue activity with the Nanjing area as the inspection center and focusing on its historical destiny during the latter Ming Dynasty. It's about from jia-jing initial period to the wan-li last stage. In the end ,discussing the final destiny of the jiang-xue movement in the latter Ming Dynasty.The Neo-Confucianism was always considered the new stage of Chinese traditional Confucianism. There are something different between Ming's and Song's since Chen Xianzhang and Wang Yangming ,especially when the idea of "liangzhi" and "zhi liangzhi " was promoted, such as much more vivid and popular in manifestation .Wang Yangming promoted the jiangxue activity by actual efforts, so Jiangyou area, Zhejiang area, Nanjing and its nearby areas with its special political status all became one of the centers of the jiangxue movements, and the jiangxue movement achieved the prosperous stage in the late jia-jing period. Following the jiang-xue movements' development, many kinds of problems appeared, the Gateway was diversed between the later students and kinds of different ideas appeared. Among the mixed up team, many people cheese fame or wealth ,what's worse, people divided into parties and even struck the local places was not special. From the first years of jia-jing period, the government suppressed the jiang-xue movements on the existence tendency, with these abuses appeared, the endures on the jiang-xue movement also increasingly fierce, until wan-li period the destroying of the academy all over the country with administrative orders.The trend of "in melt" became more and more obvious in part of scholars, at the same time, other scholars who scanned the abuses of Yang-ming school tried their best to correct them. Dong-lin'participating and discussing politics in government was a typical representative of the later. The defeat of Dong-lin push the jiang-xue movements into a complex political struggle and became the sacrificial victim. After the Wan-li period, political struggle always starts taking "jiang-xue movements" as the excuse, both sides referred each other "the clique". Under the much severer pressure of enduring jiang-xue and the frightening name of "the clique", once the prosperous yang-ming shool's jiang-xue movements was on the decline.
Keywords/Search Tags:jiang-xue, yang-ming shool, Nanjing city, tradition academy
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