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The Research Of The Blog's Influence On Cultural Change

Posted on:2008-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F ZhouFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, blog phenomenon is regarded as one of the most important phenomena in the Internet culture. The advanced technique of blog progressively influences people's ways of learning and communicating, and at the same time affects the traditional mode of media transmition.Through a long-time on-line observation and questionnaires on the net users, the author discovers that the growth of the blog really impacts people's life, study and values. It is the progress of the blog technology that provides the physical presupposition for those changes. The author analyzes the creation, the study, the exchange way as well as the moral values of the blog, thus reflects on the influence of the blog to the cultural exchange.The results show that in the cultural production and transmition aspects, blog makes more and more people become the cultural producer, and everyone is the center of information, they have equal rights of talking. In the aspects of study and communication, peoplecan use the blog, just like an "encyclopedia", to find anything they want and discuss with the blogger. Although there are conflicts in thecommunication, exchange promotes progress. In the aspect of moral values, it is the low requirements for techniques that strengthen the communication among people, ameliorate the exchange and combination of different cultures and lead to the multi values. However, the rapid development of blog causes the appearance of many negative behaviors, such as the weakening of the social responsibilities. For this reason, it is suggested that apart from the encouragement of the expansion of the blog, the supervisal and administration of them should also be reinforced to make the blog promote the positive development of the cultural changes.
Keywords/Search Tags:blog, cultural mode of production, cultural mode of media transmition, moral-values
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