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Historical Reconsidering About The Relationship Between Human And Nature

Posted on:2009-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G D RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242492983Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of modern science and technology has fully proved that human's evolution is from nature. Human will not live without nature. The relationship between man and nature has been a recurrent theme in philosophical studies. The Marxist philosophy, by providing a comprehensive perspective of man-nature relationship and a scientific view of the harmonious co-existence of man and nature, can serve as our guidelines for understanding the important issues of man-nature relationship and sustainable development. A scientific analysis of man-nature relationship will enable us to overcome the simplistic, mechanic and partial understandings of this issue and attain an accurate view of man and nature as a pair that form a unity of opposites. Mankind has been dealing with nature ever since his birth. Man acquires all the materials necessary for the existence and development of human society by participating in the circulation of the ecosystem. In that sense, the nature exists as a supporting system for human life. Due to the fast growth of population after the Industrial Revolution, mankind has been exacting more and more from the nature, causing large scale land cultivation and deforestation, which has in turn led to soil erosion and the expansion of desert. The widespread use of insecticide and fertilizer and the unlimited release of industrial wastes have polluted the air. As a result, some species have become extinct, whereas others have become rampant, causing the imbalance of the ecosystem. The danger of such imbalance has become manifest and attracted widespread attention. Despite the various measures adopted for the purpose of environmental protection, environmental degradation remains an urgent problem. Modern technological advances have thus universalized, deepened and intensified the conflict between man and nature. As a result, it has become more and more urgent for human societies to harmonize the man-nature relationship and to protect and reconstruct the environment in the production process. Such a harmonious relationship will help eliminate environmental crisis and ensure sustainable development. The evolution of man-nature relationship can thus be divided into three stages: the stage of primitive harmony, the stage of conflict, elimination and a new stage of harmony based on human reflections on the issue. The of conflicts and the realization of harmony depend mainly on human adaptations and adjustments. The Third Session of the Sixteenth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party sets "the regulation of the harmonious development of man and nature" as one of our primary tasks in building socialist market economy, and the Fourth Session of the Sixteenth Congress further defined "the regulation of the harmonious development of man and nature" as an important part of the scientific outlook of development. The realization of the harmony and unity of man and nature is essential to the transformation of China into an advanced and prosperous nation with a healthy natural environment.This paper is divided into four parts. The problem about the relationship between human and nature is raised briefly in the first part, and review the relationship between man and nature. In the second part, author reconsider the machinery natural view and human center principle values. and point out that Natural concept of dialectical materialism is the theoretical foundation to achieve harmony between man and nature. The current global and our country's relationship between man and nature is pointed out with a large number of detailed empirical data in third part, introduce that all the people in the world have taken measures to achieve harmony between man and nature by effort. In the fourth part, in order to realize the harmonious development of man and nature the author put forward some view such as the reconstruction on the subject, establishment the systems thinking, the construction of ecological civilization and so on .
Keywords/Search Tags:human, nature, natural view, scientific outlook on development
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