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Research On Logo Design In The Digital Era

Posted on:2009-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360272457139Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The design arts has developed along with the technology progress at the beginning of its birth. Since the times of Bauhaus, modern design has always reflected the level of the technology and technique at that time.The logo design of digital times has broken our traditional understanding of logo design from conception and form. It has brought with it great differences on many area:idea of design, visual language and usage of it. Modern logo becomes a complex body composed of multi-forms, multi-means, multi-connotation. The style of flat and two-dimensioned independent graphic logo cannot satisfied the need of the market and multi-media transmission currently. Special personality, emphases on multi-formation and the effect of the usage of logos have became the new tendencys of future logo identity. Logo design has stepped into a diversified era.This text analyzing impact on logo design of the number of the factor that three respects of modern technology, arts , culture and theory of transmission, has summed up and summarized the visual language and developing tendency of logo design in the digital media era. The text emphasized on the usage and development of logo design on modern corporations and brand transmission. Then analysis the meaning on the VI design on the basis of research.
Keywords/Search Tags:digital, progress of technology, culture, brand, dynamic, systematic
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