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Creation Features And Singing Research About Shi-guangnan' Typical Songs In The Late 1970s And 1980s

Posted on:2009-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shi-guangnan is called melody master. He had created a great many clasiccal art songs. When he was young, shi-guangnan had strong interest in music. He often learned music by himself, listened to songs and found songs to sing. He could learn not only many racial songs but also many china revolution songs. His experience made a ground for his music creation. his These songs composed by Shi-guangnan are of true emotion and beautiful melody, In addition, they are of racial taste. For I prefer to shi-guang nan's songs, now l analyze his vocal songs in order to explore his creation style.The text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introducing his life and his three periods of creation. The second chapter is exploring his creation features about his songs in the late 1970s and 1980s. Chapter three is explaining the typical songs of Shi-guangnans'from the aspect of vocal performance. The last chapter is that shi guang-nan has much historical contribution.Shi-guangnan has been fruitful in creating art songs. l came to study his songs of shi-guangnan, because the style of his songs is unique. He pays attention to the use of national language, national feature, and national emotion. With brilliant melody, His songs are full of artistic charm and high aesthetic value.
Keywords/Search Tags:shi-guangnan, art songs, creation style, vocal performance, historical contribution
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