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Study On The Question About Person's Modernization In The View Of Scientific Outlookon Development

Posted on:2011-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360332457469Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Moderniza tion has been an inevitable trend in the development of Chinese society, thefina l target of three-step development strategy is to realize moderniza tion on the whole, andsocia l politics and economy develop in a new level. Moderniza tion covers all profoundchanges about economy, politics, culture, socia l structure, lifestyle, ideology and person'sdevelopment and so on. However, what of specia l concern. is person's modernization. In thepresent situation of China, it has important immed iate significa nce and urgent need to discussthe subject of person's development. Chinese reform and opening up for 30 more years,Socia list Moderniza tion Drive has yielded substa ntia l results, economic development hasyielded great achievement. However, there is some incongruity between economicdevelopment and person's development, which performed perfectly in this situation, person'sdevelopment can't accord with the requirement of socioeconomic development. How toachieve huma n beings' all - round development with socioeconomic development, which hasbeen the subject we must solve. In this article, we will analyze this subject from thestandpoint of scientific outlook on development, and expect to provide some thinking.In the part of preface, we has analyzed intension and theoretica l investigation of person'sdevelopment, in which author expresses his cause to choose this subject and the condition ofresearching this subject of experts and entrepreneurs, especia lly puts the achievement at thebeginning of this article which had been researched by rap group lead by Ingels who is aAmerica n famous sociologist, his rap group determined a definition for person's developmentthrough investigation from ma ny parts of word. The author expresses his view about person'sdevelopment on the basis of achievement researching this subject of experts and entrepreneurs.Person's natural quality and socia l property acquire all-round improvement, and personsdevelop harmoniously with nature and society, moderniza tion will acquire person's integrated development fina lly. In the second part of preface, we will introduce problems aboutresearching this subject and the way of author researching this subject.There are 4 parts in the text, as follows:In the first part, there is ma inly about expounding developing process of Chineseperson's moderniza tion, and analysis of Chinese person's moderniza tion, fina lly, we putforward that scientific outlook on development will have significa nce to realize person'smoderniza tion, so, with this ideology's guida nce, we must persist in the people-oriented idea,and put person's moderniza tion on comprehensive and scientific mea ning.In the second part, we will expound the situation which person's moderniza tion mustface in socia l change phase, especia lly grasp wholly achievement and shortage about person'smoderniza tion. There are shortages in person's moderniza tion, for example, person'sdevelopment can't accord with the acquirement of socia l development; there is one-sidedview about person's development; conservative ideas can't accord with socia l developmentand so on. We try to look for the cause in some parts, such as the loca lization of conservativeideas'nega tive factors, low lever of economica l development, unbala nce of socia l structureand impeded progress on development of politica l civiliza tion.In the third part, we will seek theoretica l provid ing to solve problems, emphasize thatpeople-oriented cardinal principle of Marx's huma n science. We try to insist oncomprehensive, bala nced and susta inable requirements to drive forward person'smodernization according to the base of people-oriented and fundamenta l realities of thecountry.In the forth part, we will explore theory and ways to realize person's moderniza tion inpresent situation. We will try to explore in some parts, for example, developing economic,driving forward build ing democracy and society with rule of law, educating citizen'sspontaneity, developing initiatively, depending on science and education to realize person'smoderniza tion, attaching importance to science and education and depending on build ingsocia listic core value system to realize person's moderniza tion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Person's, Modernization, People-oriented, Scientific Outlook on Development
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