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On Marx's Theory Of Unemployment And The Problem Of Unempolyment In Contemporary China

Posted on:2002-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360032950429Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Unemployment is a world-wide problem as well as a challenging one, since it in-fluences thousands of families, affects the social and economic reform, developmentand stability of a country. The population of China is near 1.3 billion, The contradic-tion of more labor supply than that is needed will exist for a long period. Nowadays,China is making structural reform, changing the manner of economic growth, and reg-ulating the economic structure. So the problem of unemployment becomes more com-plicated and more important. The aim of this thesis is about how to solve this problemin present China. In this thesis the special model of Marxist's economics of analysingthe problem of unemployment is summarized through the careful study and systematicorganizing of Marx's theory on unemployment. Based on this model this thesis ex-plains the problem of unemployment in present China, and put up with a possible solu-tion to it. This thesis is true to the original works of Marx. It applies the methodologyof Marxist's economics, absorbing the theory and analysing skill of modern economicsat the same time. Combining normative analysis and positive analysis, this thesis man-aged to form its distinct feature.This thesis includes five chapters, which is in three sections.The first section (Chapter One) is the introductory remarks of the passage as awhole. Firstly, it tells the intention of choosing this subject for the research paper andits research perspective. It also stresses the necessity, importance and possibility ofwriting this thesis. Secondly, it introduces the research method used in this thesis.Lastly, it shows the structure of it.The second section (including chapter Two, Three and Four) mainly analyses theTheory. Based on the methodlogy of historical materialism, the first two chapters ob-serves as a whole the appearance, development and disappearance of unemployment,the hist()rical Phetl('l11cllt)ll. I1 clarifies the logical s1ruclurc ()f Marx's tl1txiry ()Il [tlle[l1-P1oyment. The Iast chaI'ter evaluates this theory Preliminarily. It's a summary of thetheory and Provides as a Prel,aration for the future researcl1.ChaPter Two al1alyzes the Problem of the capitalist ul1emI,loymel1t. FirstIy, it illu-minates the Marx's defifnitiol1 of unemPloyn1ent. Studying the aseial and economiccondition of ul1emPloyment a11'l its historical dcs1i11ation ()f the prOblem of unemPloy-nlent, criticizing the wrong ideas of the economists, such as T. Maltl1us, this chapterelaborates the nature of unempIoyment and draws forth tl)e concept of effit'iellcy em-ployment, thus it solves the probletn of defining employment and unemployment, andprepares for the following chaPters. SeCO1dly, this chapter c1assifies the different formsof unemplOymcnt scicntificalIy 'Ml tl1c basis of 1hc nature of ull'ft11I)1oymel1t. l;or onething, it shOws thc sources of the capitalist ul1employment systen1 and thc varbos caus-es of it. For another, it locates prOPerly the comparative researcb between Marx's the-ory on unemplOyment and the western theory on unemPloyment, and reformatively ab-sordbing the analysis method of the modern wester1l theory on unemPlOynient. Third-ly, it introduces on the prOb1em of unemployn1ent, reflects .thboughly the negative ef-fects brough1 by uIlenlPloyment on societies and countries. lt emtheies Marx's Mwneconomic thonght to arane extent. lsistly, this chapter studies the microcosmic l,asis ofunemp1oytnent. Sil1ce Marx's tl1ought of microcesmic basis is the agreement betweenthe actions of tl1e microcosmic economic main body and the 8ctiorls of market it's (1uitediffernet from the western tlwnry of microcosmic basis. T'his shows n1arx's theory oful1emPloymcnt is far lIlore adva11ced tllal1 the westerl1 tbt,''ry of ul1cmPloy1nel1t.Chal)te1' Tl1rce is alx)tlt tl1e idcaI n1odeI of the full 'eml)l(Yy111e11t iIl tllc futurc soci-cty. lly ()rganizi11g Marx's th(1ugllI t)f tl1t' full t'llll)loynlct1't il1 fllt...
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, the theory of unemployment, the problem of unemployment incontemporary China
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