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A Consideration About The "Going Out" Strategy Of China's Corporation

Posted on:2003-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G X ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092960117Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recently the Party Central put forward the opening strategy of "going out" encouraging and supporting some preponderant corporations to expand investment gradually in abroad and develop multinational operation. Furthermore,multinational operation will be the practical choice for Chinese corporation after China has been admitted to WTO . Thus it is a quite significant work to explore a way of multinational operation which fit the current situation of China by making a consideration about the "going out"strategy of Chinese corporation in view of microcosmic angle. The theories on multinational operation of corporations have been studied earlier in overseas. However all of these theories which took monopoly corporations in developed countries as research object are unfit to guide multinational operation of our country's corporation. For this purpose, on basis of absorbing and learning a lesson from foreign study achievement, combining objective fact, this paper analyses the general motivation of multinational operations of our country's corporations, which consist of the theoretic foundation of multinational operation of our country's corporation. And in reality, With China being admitted to WTO, the competition in the domestic market will become increasingly sharp, which will further strengthen the necessity for domestic corporations to go out. Meanwhile, access to WTO will also provide favorable international circumstances and conditions for it. As a result, more and more domestic corporations will practice the way of multinational operation. It is therefore necessary to grope for the countermeasures which benefits advancement of home corporations' multinational management combining with the present situation of multinational operation and the existing primary problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:corporation, going out, multinational operation, multinational direct investment
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