Since the 1990s last century, the global economy entered the relatively stable new period for development , the economic globalization , liberalization , more educated tide happen frequently . The transnationalcorporations (TNCs)-the third economic entity continues to growstrongly , and the foreign direct investment (FDI) gets active unprecedentedly . Although many people take a pessimistic view to the prospect of FDI after the "9.11" , but more than 60,000 TNCs have more than 800,000 subsidiary companies across the world , they plays a key role during the process of global investment flow . It is beyond all doubt.The paper have five parts, the first part introduce TNCs' relevant concepts , characteristic and the developing stages ; the second part introduce the theories of TNCs ; the third part analysis two cases : Korea S. and Argentina . Analysis mainly with the state of FDI inflow to the two countries ; the fourth part is comparative research ; Compare the two cases with our country in factors relevant to TNCs and FDI. and the last part isconclusions and Countermeasures . This paper aims to through the introduction of TNCs' investment theory and investment state of domestic and international , analysis relevant problems , regards Korea S . , Argentina as basic cases, study them and attempt to drew lessons from them to benefit to our country attract FDI , benefit to better our country's structure of foreign investment , better our environment of attract foreign investment , and benefit our country to face the challenges from the new situation .