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Research On The Development Strategy For The Secondary And The Tertiary Industry In Yunxi District

Posted on:2004-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360122467056Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is a self-selective subject, and the content is just what Yunxi district, which is one of industrial area of Yueyang, has emphasized and studied for the economic development at present and in a certain period of the near future.The committee and the government of Hunan province has called for the 'Three modernization": 'Industrialization', 'urbanization", 'agriculture industrialization'. The reason why put the 'Industrialization' and 'urbanization' in a leading place is because the development of the second and the third industry need to be pushed strongly. It is a primary problem of study and decision-making of the party committee and the government of each grade that how to apply to the reality, how to build the superiority, how to hold the stress and how to speed up the development.This article relates the history and the present status of the second and third industrial development of Yunxi district, as well as the relationship with the state-run company, also about the present opportunity and condition, along with the superior and inferior position it stands.On the basis of above study and summery, the article produces five points for the second and third industry of Yunxi district: 1. establish an industry area, build a platform for the industry development; 2. develop the cooperation between the factory and the company, invigorate the unused assets; 3. establish the trade association, drive the industry develop collectively; 4. make use of the region superiority, construct the carrier of the third industry; 5. make a point on the management of the city, and push the development of the third industry.The article consists five parts.
Keywords/Search Tags:The second and the third industry, Regional economy, Development strategy, Develop collectively, State-run company, City management
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