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Study On Settlement Of Social Security For The Farmers Who Lost Lands By Expropriation

Posted on:2005-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360122489052Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Compensation and settlement of land expropriation has become a hot and difficult question for the land management in recent years. In this dissertation, through analyzing land expropriation system since the country's foundation and basic theories of social security and social welfare in different countries, the author considers that it is one of the good approaches that benefits them in long term to bring farmers who lost their land by expropriation (FWLTLBE) into social security system.The key process of covering those FWLTLBE with social security system is to calculate the funds needed by social security. On the basis of the ratio of different age in statistical yearbook, author creates a method of the financing of social security for fictitious person, in order to avoid accuracy being disturbed by the difference among particular farmers.Author carries out empirical economy analysis in developed regions and feasibility analysis in undeveloped areas for FWLTLBE. The primary conclusions are summarized as follows:It is a feasible compensative way to cover the FWLTLBE by social security system either in developed or undeveloped regions.The compensative standard of land expropriation originated from products values of farmland is lower than the social security funds needed. Integrant social security funds should be got from land grant fee if FWLTLBE is covered by social security system. 30-45% of the land grant fee can be paid.Some factors influence the operating efficiency of social security, such as the compensative standard of land expropriation, the market of land grant, the area of per capita cultivated land and so on.The level of social security is decided by social productivity or social economy of the same period. At present, the social security system of FWLTLBE only involves primary social insurance and social assistance.The base of social insurance fee for FWLTLBE may be equal to the average wages of employee in developed region, only 60%~100% of the average wage of employee is chosen according to fact of undeveloped region.As local public finance and farmers' non-agricultural income are different, so it is necessary to calculate the costs of social assistance in undeveloped region, but unnecessary in developed region.
Keywords/Search Tags:land expropriation, the standard of compensation, social security, and social insurance
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