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Researchh On Theory And Practice Of Chinese Multi-Party Cooperation System

Posted on:2011-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330305960684Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The multi-party cooperation system leaded by Communist Party of China is the inevitable result of China's political development, and the political party system with Chinese characteristics. It is different from the two-party system or multi-party system of the West capitalist countries, and also from a number of one-party socialist states, but a new political party system in the world of party politics. Its features and advantages can't be matched by other political party system. Consequently, we are determined to defend this system; we must also further refine and develop it with the development of times.The article carries on the comprehensive study to the entire variation process of the Chinese Communist Party-led multi-party cooperation system's formation, consolidation, tortuous development, restoration and consummation period, until the further consummation and development period of now our multi-party cooperation system, summing up the experience and lesson, in-depth analyzing the status of China's multi-party cooperation system, and problems and challenges in new phase, and to provide the learning for further consummating and developing Chinese Communist Party-led multi-party cooperation system in new period, building on the positive of our political system, proposing countermeasures to build our country into a prosperous, democratic and civilized modern socialist country.Founding more than 60 years, especially since the reform and opening up, China's Political Party System has made remarkable achievements. However, in the new historical conditions, great changes have all taken place in situation and task, and power environment, terms, way and method, including party itself. Complex international and domestic environment make our tasks more difficult than in the past. In the new historical starting point, we have to shoulder the new historical mission, so we should conscientiously sum up the theory and practical experience of multi-party cooperation system, and on this basis, we should continuously abundance, substantiate and develop the theory of China's multi-party cooperation system. Therefore, studying the theory and practice of China's multi-party cooperation system is not only an important part for scholars in studying the China's party system, but also in favor of promoting China's political civilization, propelling China's political democratization and rule of law, promoting China's political stability, in favor of realizing the goal of building a socialist harmonious society.The article regards Marxism as guidelines, making sure that history and works combine, and that theory and practice combine. Consequently, it tries to find the relevant factors of influencing the political operating mechanism in terms of theory of political party, and its inherent logic connection, thus find out the method to improve our multi-party cooperation system through analyzing. Put the part of the study on the credibility data, reading and analyzing Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao's theoretical writings, so as to achieve the desired research purposes.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Communist Party of China, Democratic Party, Multi-Party Cooperation, Practical Study, the Analysis of Countermeasure
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