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The Business Authority Relationship And The Occupation Fate Of Undelying White-Collar:Case Study Of Chinese New Generation Migrant Workers

Posted on:2012-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LinFull Text:PDF
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As a special kind economic phenomenon, the mobile migrant workers of China are discussed by lots of students. As times changed, the new generation of migrant workers become the subject of migrant workers, there has been some of the new generation of migrant workers get white-collar jobs. Meanwhile, their career expectations change, they want to enter the white-collar workers In this paper, these new generation of white-collar migrant workers who go into different types of businesses will be studied. The author explores the relationship between different types of corporate authority and the new generation of migrant workers'occupational fate with white-collar jobs. This article focuses on the new generation of migrant workers how to get to low-level white-collar work? Different economic authority of the different organizations presented what different requirements for them? How do they feel and what occupational mobility may be?Learn from studies of the domestic migrant workers, western white-collar research and the research results of sociology of education, this study introduce the concept of authority relations types from western white-collar research. Based on business size and authority types, the article distinguishes four business types: First, the large partial hierarchy enterprises; Second, large Patriarchal enterprises; third is a small size family enterprise; four is small mixed enterprises. Now Chinese authority types are extremely mixed, different changes are taking place. The authority of the different types of businesses is the result of historical construction. Based on the different industry, size, location, industry chain and the operators, the article analyze the features of respective authority and requirements to the underlying white-collar workers. We can find that the high level education is the basic requirement. The skill of calculation, memory and communication are required. The hierarchical mode of production requires workers to be independent, autonomous, and achievement motivation. In this study, we found that education which the workers have didn't produce the appropriate work ethic and endowments. Western education sociology believes the work ethic from education and professional system requirements match each other. This study found the opposite argument.Different types of authority impact the white-collar workers'market position, working conditions and status of the situation, and thus affect their lifestyle. In the patriarchal system, their income is low, but because of a close relationship with the leader, they own relatively high status. However, due to the new generation of migrant workers dissatisfied with the omnipresent patriarchal supervision and humanistic management style, they feel more depressed in such enterprises.In the hierarchy companies, although their income is relatively high, they are difficult to adapt to western modes of performance assessment and the management style. High-intensity work makes they lost their enthusiasm for work, survival of the fittest way let them have a sense of drift. Authority in the mixed type, different white-collar workers have different feelings. For some low-level white-collar workers who are sheltered, they are accustomed to the warmth of the patriarchal system, there is no asylum for the other groups, they do not like the strict management and non-standard status, and they also yearn for a more autonomous work.In different types of economic organizations with different types of authority, they each have their own frustrations and discontent. In the existing circumstances, social Mobile and individual endowments are relevant.This article combines three respects to analyze their own characteristicsprofessionaldestiny, including typesof enterpriseauthority,the feature of new generation of migrant workers and the white-collar work features.The education ofthe new generationof migrant workers,business authority andthe structuralcharacteristics ofunderlyingwhite-collar jobsare intertwined, which will help us grasp the important of thetransformation of economic and social changes and the fate of theencounter.
Keywords/Search Tags:new generation migrant worker, authority relation, underlying white-collar
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