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On Legalization Of The Institutionization Of Farmers' Specialized Co-operatives

Posted on:2012-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R T ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330335970049Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous deepening of reform and opening, traditional agriculture is gradually changing to modern agriculture, with the result of the increasingly conspicuous contradiction between thousands of families of small production and ever-changing major markets. As an innovative model of the horizontal organization in the industrial management of agriculture, farmer specialized cooperatives is not only an important organizational carrier in the training of new farmers and promoting the construction of the new rural area, but also a practical need for deepening the reformation of the rural economic system and solving the issues of the famers, the rural areas and the agriculture. In particular, the promulgation of The Law of Farmer Specialized Cooperatives in China on 1 July 2007, has provided the legal system support and protection of the legalized construction of the farmers specialized cooperatives, which has marked the fact that the development of cooperatives has gradually come into the orbit of the legalized development. Being influenced by the long-standing traditional concepts, coupled with the late start of fanner specialized cooperatives, the cooperative is presently in the early stages of the development. With little workable experience to be learnt from, and being the stage of trial and error, in particular during the legalized construction after the enactment of this law, various kinds of problems of the fanner specialized cooperatives is increasingly apparent. The purpose of the present thesis is to explore in depth the present situation and its problems of the legalized construction of one such farmer specialized cooperative, in order to find out the various kinds of difficulties confronted in this process, which includes the following aspects:the lower legal quality of the farmers leading to the deffective promotion of the legalized construction of the farmers specialized construction. the imperfections of the internal governance structure the co-operation and the irregularities of its working, and the lack of prevention and control towards the legal risk, and several other issues.In the drawing of an advanced experience of the legalized construction of a typical cooperative. combined with the reality of the cooperative, the present thesis aims to explore the targets of the legalized construction of the cooperative, which mainly lies in the following aspects:First, the cooperative must continue to improve the quality of the overall membership during its development. Second, the cooperative should perfect its internal governance mechanisms during its development and growth. Third, the cooperative should strengthen the prevention and controlling system of the legal risks of the cooperative.
Keywords/Search Tags:co-operatives, farmer specialized co-operatives, on legal institutionization of co-operatives
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