Law of the People’s Republic of China on Specialized Farmers Cooperatives wascarried into execution in2007. It has given farmer specialized cooperative legal statusby the legal form.New farmer specialized cooperative spring up constantly for sevenyears, which relied on Government support and voluntary association. At the same time,agricultural industrialization development has been promoted to a higher stage with thestudying and discussing deeply. According to the situation of our country, the paper willanalyze current situation of farmer specialized cooperative. Base on sufficient researchof legal norms and practical experience. Then, this article will find some issues aboutinstitutional arrangement and juridical practice of law. Thereby, we will put forwardsome proposal to improving this law. The corporate tendency of farmer professionalcooperative is going with the development trend of history. Nevertheless, this tendencymakes farmer specialized cooperative deviated from the spirit of mutual assistancegradually. There are some hindrances about farmer specialized cooperative: capitalownership is unclear; limit of membership is not reasonable; the legal status ofassociation is unclear. We should improve the farmer specialized cooperative law andrelated regulations according to our country’s agricultural development situation whenfacing these difficulties. Guiding our farmer specialized cooperative out of thesystem predicament timely. |