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The Research Project And Marketing Operation Of BB Fertilizer Of XG Company

Posted on:2006-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360152998308Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of agriculture plays important role in our country for harmonious society. The government always concerns about the agriculture and the farmers, emphasizing 'san nong'problems at present and future days. Restructuring the growth components and improving the unit yield of the crops are the only way to solve the fundamental raising income of farmers. Under the condition of the decreasing arable land and the lack of agricultural knowledge for peasants, the best and direct approach is to apply fertilizer correctly and efficiently. However, mono-application wastes largely due to the less-efficient utilization fertilizer for decades. And the most severely, it results in excess-nutrition of some lands and water areas. Compound fertilizer has advantages such as high-efficiency,full-nutrition and environmental protection, especially BB (Bulk Blended) fertilizer, which is popular applied in Europe and America of developed countries. The survey represents the complex rate of fertilizer reaches up to 70%, comparing less than 20% in China. Our government has taken to enhance the complex rate of fertilizer in the proceedings, aiming to achieve 50% within 3 to 5 years. Based on various investigations and analysis of Chinese compound's development status, the compound fertilizer is the leading way of development, including BB fertilizer. The status of our agricultural product market is in a backward and primary state. The previous approach of marketing is an obstacle in...
Keywords/Search Tags:BB fertilizer, Marketing, Strategy, Marketing operation
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