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On The Development History And General Rule Of NGOs

Posted on:2006-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360152998729Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) are those taking actions in worldwide areas. They are legal and don't demonstrate the characteristics of governments or parties, meanwhile, they don't strive for gaining profit. Besides, their members are volunteers and they benefit all the mankind. They went through three development stages: first, from the middle term to before the first world war, INGOs mainly act in the fields of humanitarian aid and religion; second, from the first world war to after the second world war, INGOs got limited development and established loose relations mechanism with the Union of States; third, from after the second world war, especially the 1970's, to the present times, INGOs develop very fast, and build solid relations with the United Nations. Their action areas enlarge to politics, economy, military, security, society, ecology and so on. After making research of their existing situations, acting areas, connection regimes, development cause, attention they got, and analyzing the favorable and unfavorable factors, we can understand the rules about INGOs. They will develop in direct proportion to the degree of the people's acception, maturity of civil society, opening of society and assistance of the governments. INGOs' action areas will continue to enlarge and they will accelerate the multiplicity, democracy and equality of the society. They will not be satisfied with being only consultant and policy announcers of the UN, and they will strive to become partners of the UN when they making decisions and carrying out policies, however, their independence will be more obvious. INGOs will get more attention and capital assistance from the governments, and the trend that INGOs in the north is stronger than those in the south won't change in the short term.
Keywords/Search Tags:International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), the United Nations(UN), general rule, development trend
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