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On The Leadership-Way Of Human-Orientation During The Social Transformation In China

Posted on:2006-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W N JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360155471582Subject:Marxist philosophy
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Comrade Jiang Zemin once pointed out,"facing the new task under the new situation,some comrades often feel 'the old ways are not affective,and the new ones will not be used'."It is really like this.Replacing the old century with the new one is exactly the moment of our Chinese society in transformation,also the moment of international societyï¹£transformation. Economic globalization,social informalization ,political multipolarity,science and technology changing with each passing day,and the arrival of knowledge economy have already made "reform"be the today's theme and remarkable characteristic ."Reform"chanllenges our country's tranditional leadership-way.We should step up studying the new leadership-way,and realize the transformation and innovation of the leadership-way for realizing the socialist modernization,establishing socialist harmonious society,narrowing the gap with the developed countries as soon as possible.So,what's the new leadership-way?In my opinion,that is the leadership-way of human-orientation.Because it is an important trend that leadership develops in our times.The west thought of leadership has been going through the historical return to the east one with the time stepping into the new century .Its main purpose is to absorb the thought of the east leadership,especially absorb the thought of human-orientation in ancient Chinese leadership-thought.therefore,studying on the leadership-way of human-orientation during our country's society in transformation still has certain guiding significance whether for constructing the theoretical system of leadership-way in Chinese leadership science,or for the actual leading things of many leaders.The article make a thorough inquiry by combining the thought of human-orientation with the leadership-way and also taking them in the background of globalization,basing them on our country's transformation,also using the thought and theory of the ancient and modern management and leadership,Chinese and foreign ones.The full text is divided into four parts. The first part has explained the intension and theory origin of human-oriented leadership-way.In fact,it is a kind of humanized leadership-way that permeates the leadership-idea of human-orientation into the leader's thinking,attitude and leading behaviors.It has three theory origins.First,the thought of human-orientation in our ancient management philosophy is its key source.Second,Marx'thought about human and Marxism leading theory is its fundamental theory.Third,the thought of human-orientation in the western management theory is its direct theory-source . The second part has summarized the current situation and problem of the leadership-ways during our country'ssocial transformation,and made an analysis of its origin cause of formation.Ruling_by_man,patriarchal system,administrative decree,etc.have made the present leadership_ ways of our country relatively backward,also produced many problems such as bureaucrat's style,fault of decision,low leading efficiency,etc.There are some reasons for these backward leadership-ways.One,the influence of the feudal autocratic governance and its ideology and culture.Two,the leadership structure of the centralized state power formed under the planned economic system.Three,the studying and practice of leading science and management science has been negkected for a long time.Finally,this part pointed out the outlet of the transformation of leadership-way:implementing the leadership-way of human-orientation. The third part made a concret analysis of the reasons which require implementing the leadership-way of human-orientation during the social transformation.After explaining the intension and the main contents of social transformation,this text has analysed the reasons of the leadership-way of human-orientation from four aspects respectively.First,international society-transformation has made deep influence on humanization of leadership-way in China.Second,the scientific development view of human-orientation requires the humanization of leadership-way.Third,the preliminary achievement of the scientifilization of our country's management has offered certain realistic foundation for the humanization of leadership-way.Fourth,the big improvement of the people's quality directly requires the humanization of leadership-way. The fourth part ,the core of the article,it concentrates on the study that the leadership-way of human-orientation should realize the transformations during the social transition . First,replacing the leadership-way of ruling by men with the one of ruling by law.Second,transforming centerlized leadership-way by democratic consultation one.Third,changing the hard one into tender way.Fourth,altering the dorminant leadership-way as the recessiveone.Fifth,turning external leadership-way into self-leadership way.
Keywords/Search Tags:The period of social transformation, Humanï¹£orientation, Leadershipï¹£way
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