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Constructing The Socialist Political Civilization In The New Stage Of 21~(st) Century Must Insist On Human-Orientation

Posted on:2006-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G TengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360185465016Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the new stage of 21st century, to construct the socialist political civilization should be led by the Party and hold the principle that makes people the center, from the reality of the country, properly handles the inner and outer relations of socialist political civilization, achieves co-ordinate development in political body civilization, political consciousness civilization, political system civilization, political behavior civilization, achieves the unity of insisting on the leadership of the Party, the government by the people and the governance by law, achieves political civilization in socialism together with socialist material civilization, spiritual civilization, socialist harmony society of co-ordinate development, and benefits to mankind society, and inherits and draws lessons from civilization with creativity. This text emphasizes that insisting on human-orientation is a base value mindset, a key of constructing socialist political civilization better, and a juncture for solving relations in socialism with Chinese characteristics in the development new stage on analysis in three aspects.Firstly, insisting on human-orientation is a basic value mindset of political civilization in socialist development. The socialist political civilization truly manifests human-orientation, which is basically different from other society's political civilization in which exploiting classes take the dominating position in history. Insisting on human-orientation is to insist that the people are the basic motivation as the historical main body. Only by depending on the power of the people can we realize the grand target of the socialism with Chinese characteristics in development. The political civilization in socialist development must insist the value mindset that makes people the center with a standard, takes charge of people to make decisions to be used as the point of departure to have a foothold with the marriage in everything for the sake of people. And the whole depends on people, the whole work all concentrates on for large people's benefits.Secondly, insisting on human-orientation is a key of constructing political civilization better in socialist development. The political civilization in socialist development must walk a road for being led by the...
Keywords/Search Tags:political civilization, socialist political civilization, human-orientation
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