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Humanism As The Value Of Social Security Policy In China

Posted on:2007-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360185958256Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A perfect social security system is the important pillar of socialist market-oriented economy system. The economic function of the social security is to assure that the reproduction of labor force goes on smoothly in order that the economy develops orderly and coordinately. We must understand that the success and the problems exist at the same time. The direction is still in the choice of the social security policy. The reason maybe lies in that the mixed values of the social security policy and the economy policy. And the principle of the new system has not been found the correct position. Thus we are in the face of an important task and problem to reestablish the values of the social security policy in China.Social security policy as a part of public policy is meant the general name of a series of laws, rules and regulations that the aim is to solve social problems, insure the basic rights and improve the whole welfare. The meaning of humanism is that man makes his own needs, vindicates his own honour and achieves the universal rights through his vatility and creativity in a just society. We found that the western social security policy is based on the values of humanism by studying the history of the western social security facilities. They changed from charities hold by religious and nongovernmental organizations to social relief facilities hold by the government. And the western people realized not only the basic rights but also the welfare rights. All these have something to do with the impact of humanism. They have se up a complete social security system as they met the needs of the people, realized their rights of freedom and equality. It has the significance to use for reference for establishing a perfect social security system.Humanism as the value of the social security policy in China is not an unfounded statement. The humanism views of Marxism, the theory of human...
Keywords/Search Tags:Humanism
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