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A Study On The Tripartite Consulation System Of Labour At Sea

Posted on:2008-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360212481196Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
About 90% of the world trade is taken by shipping industry; therefore it plays a decisive role in the development of the maritime industry of the world economy. In order to guarantee the development of shipping industry, many countries have issued plenty of codes and treaties. In view of the global nature of the shipping industry, seafarers need special protection. Having been convened by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, the International Labor Organization has held in its Ninety-Session on 7 February 2006 in Geneva. In this conference, the International Labor Organization overwhelmingly adopted a new labor standard-Maritime Labor Convention, 2006 for the world's maritime sector.This thesis covers the Tripartite Consultation System of labour at sea. Base on the discussion of the Tripartite Consultation System in Maritime Labor Convention, 2006, it demonstrates the necessity and the possibility of establishment the Tripartite Consultation System of labour at sea in the current situation in our country., and advances some countermeasure.The content of the article is as follows: the first chapter shows the importance and particularity of shipping industry. The history and actuality of the ILO and Tripartite Consulation System is introduced in chapter 2. The characteristics and requests of the Tripartite Consulation System in Maritime Labor Convention, 2006 is analyzed in chapter 3. The necessity and the possibility of the Tripartite Consulation System of Labour at sea are elaborated on the basis of analyzing the status and main problems of our country. At the end, specific countermeasures are put forward in chapter 4.The author hopes this article to be help to the Tripartite Consulation System in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:International Labour Organization (ILO), the Tripartite Consulation System, Seamen, Maritime Labor Convention, 2006
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