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Ethnic Relations In A Multi-ethnic Community

Posted on:2008-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W LiFull Text:PDF
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The community research of Ethnology pays close attention to the function of culture and people's life in community. In a certain geographic area, residents from several minorities live together, contact and interact culture among different minorities. That forms the cultural environment and recognition with the characteristic of multi-culture, and further more, forms the multi-ethnic communities in with the culture links to the emotion. Taerbahtai, which is located in the bungalow neighborhood Taerbahatai Community Xinjiang Prrovince, is such a community. There have been tens of ethnics living in the area since Tacheng City was built in Qing Dynasty. There ethnics keep long-term stable inter-ethnic contacts which id one of basis of forming the multi-ethnic community. Due to the influence of population and geopolitics, Kazakhsta culture, Russian culture and Han culture are the main components of local culture in Tacheng City. In the process of blending, the Tacheng feature"concord but different"cultural Field takes shape. Racial relationships, inter-ethnic relations and multi-ethnic community culture Field form a mutually reinforcing relationship. At the same tine , people here give birth to the association mode with certain norm effects. The residents in Taerbahatai are carrying out the inter-ethnic contact in every aspect of daily life. The mixed pattern of living makes it possible that the neighborhood could contact inter-ethnically. In the community, the bottom-up spontaneously friendly community among different races, in fact is implementing the thought of national unity. The essential factors of the ethnic relations in Taerbahatai are that spontaneously friendly inter-ethnic behavior, the communicated experience of personal ethnic relations and the positive recognition to different races.According to the survey, the residents'inter-ethnic interaction form is mainly visiting, meetings and mutual assistance. The four interactions could basically cover the ethnic relations of residents in Taerbahatai. And also, every interactional form has its own rules, which forms the folk institution of ethnic relations. The inter-ethnic contacts in lives take place around the residence, which is so-called neighborhood. Different nationhood conditions-----family units, natural neighborhood, landlords and tenants have different inter-ethnic contacts. For the working residents, the inter-ethnic contacts are mainly in the unit and among colleagues; for students, their ethnic relations are mainly at school and their objects are classmates; for ethnic intermarriage family, their contacts can reflect better about the comprehensive understanding to different racial culture and inter-ethnic contacts; for those contradictions refer to daily lives, from the beginnings to the solutions are also special process of inter-ethnic contacts.In the lives of Taerbahtai residents, due to the great number of inter-ethnic contacts, they get in touch with different traces and absorb and learn from each other's culture. To some degrees, some changes happened in residential living habits. This paper reflects from three aspects: food, clothes and other living habits, the phenomenon of multi-language and religious life.
Keywords/Search Tags:The multi-ethnic community, the contact among different races, the form of contact, the changes of life
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