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The Ethics Demand Of New Socialistic Village

Posted on:2008-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y CaoFull Text:PDF
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In order to comprehensively advances constructs harmonious socia l the step, the CentralParty Committee proposed the construction new socia listic villa ge significa nt historic task atthe 16th session of five CCP plenary conference. We must realize "the new villa ge "proposing with prepares is taken, not only is an economica l modernization with the politica lissue which rules a nation brings peace and order to the nation, moreover more intrinsic iscontaining the modernization is person's modernization basic question, is person'saccomplishment, person's civilized comprehensive promotion ethics mora ls question,therefore "the new villa ge " is dema nding ethics mora ls.Solves the countryside question basis to lie in solves person's problem, the new villa ge "isnew" its key also to be supposed cultivates the new farmer, the new farmer not only is thenew socia lism villa ge construction ma in body, or its marking and home to return to. Said fromethics significa nce that, the person only has in the mora l life can unceasingly pursue loftyly,moves towards the consumma tion,sets up the self- ma in body. It can be said that, studies thecountryside ethics mora ls question,in our country is always the most insufficient questionwhich mostneeds to study actually studies. Thus it can be seen, pays attention from ethicsmora ls and discusses the new countryside question to appear especia lly importantly.This article is precisely embarks from the harmonious society's huma nist idea, thoughtharmonious socia l and the new socia lism villa ge theory starting point and the principlepurport of adiscussion turns over to all is a person. From ethics angle looked this question, thenew villa ge question essence is person's question, is how constructs the new person, how setsup farmer's ma in body question, is the new villa ge to person's ethics dema nd question,specia lly how through system ethics and mora l excellence ethics, realization socia l orderconcern and person's soul concern unifica tion, scientific value concern and huma nities valueconcern unifica tion, external restra int and autonomy unifica tion, thus realizes person's true,the good and the beautiful unified question.
Keywords/Search Tags:New socia listic villa ge, Ethics dema nd, System ethics, Moral excellence ethics
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