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Study On The Legal System Of Medical Waste Taken-back And Handled

Posted on:2008-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360215490819Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Medical waste is one of the hazardous waste that have serious harmfulness and pollution. Since the breaking out of SARS in 2003 , medical waste's management is becoming one of the focuses of the society. Our country issued "the medical waste management rule " promptly in June of 2003, but the rule exist so many problem that need to be complete. Now, it is possible to take-back and handle the medical waste with the development of the science and technology of environmental prevention and controlling of pollution. The medical waste's take-back and handling announce the new trend of sustainable development, emphasize environmental protection is that one coordinates entities with the economic activity in essence, point out that human economic activity should observe the nature rule, explained the relationship between environment with economic. So, it has very important meanings to set up and improve the system of medical waste laws and regulations of our country rapidly on the base of using the advanced experience that the foreign medical waste legislate for reference and combine the detailed conditions of our country. It will help to prevent and cure the pollution of medical wastes to the environment effectively and promote the circling utilizing of the medical waste and save resources.This thesis began from introducing the concept, characteristic and classification of medical wastes, the current situation of pollution and recovering and handling of medical wastes in our country. Then, the thesis pointed out the question existing in the management system of medical waste in our country at present. After that, the thesis introduced the foreign legislative state of medical waste, included: the recycling economy theory,through-course management and polluter pays system. Combined with the reform of the Chinese legislative principles for environmental pollution control, the author discussing the establishment of medical waste recycling legal system on the basis of sustainable development strategy and recycling economy theory. As a result ,the author sum up the setting up of the medical waste take-back and handling legal system should complying with the following principles: the 3R principle, equal cooperation principle,public participation principle, technology innovation promotion principle,the principle of combining publication of information and proper supervision. The concrete legal system consists the through-course management syetem sorting take-back system, centralized treatment system, polluter pays system, economic stimulating system, technology innovation principle .The main aim of the thesis is the hope of offering some valuable research results for our country's medical waste management legislates.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medical waste, Take-back and handling, Recycling economy, Legal system
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