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Stars Legal Responsibility In False Advertisements

Posted on:2008-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R L LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
More and more businesses, aware of the social impact of the stars, invite stars to act as certifiers, recommenders or image spokesmen in their products and services. For these years it has been a hot topic in news media that stars appear in advertisements. The happy "three win" situation among advertisers, stars and consumers should be the highest pursuit of star advertisements. Stars can not do false advertisement, which has become the consensus of the community. However, driven by interests, some stars convey false information and dupe even mislead consumers in commercial advertisements. The potential harm to society from this should not be underestimated. A lot of consumers were repeatedly duped and misled because of star effect. Some stars were also sued in judicial practice. If the star should bear the legal responsibility? How to take the legal responsibility? The legal profession has not paid enough attention to these problems. This paper seeks to arouse the attention and deep study of scholars through the discussion of related issues such as the recognition of false star advertisements, the legal analysis of star's responsibility in false star advertisements and the improvement of its system.
Keywords/Search Tags:false advertisement, star, legal responsibility
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