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On The Foundations And Foreign Policies Of The United States

Posted on:2009-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360245962140Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
American foundations have the greatest numbers, the largest scale and the widest ranging activities . They play important roles in American society and exercise great influence in the world. As a special force of civilization and philanthropy they exercise great influence on the United States foreign policy also. This paper study the United States foundations and its international actions which make an impact on the United States foreign policy, and analyze patterns and means which foundations exercise influence on the United States foreign policy.This paper is divided into six parts, the content and the main points are as follows:Preamble reviews China and American researches on the Foundations and discusses the significance of the topic.The second part introduces general situations of the American foundations, its definition, type, purpose, activities, characteristics and development of founds. So that readers have a general awareness of foundations.The third part introduces the international activities of American foundations in 19th century and early 20th century, with the completion of the industrial revolution, the development of technology, gradually increasing the strength of the United States, which began to stretch out its antennae into various regions of the world, actively participated in the affairs of the world, the foundations were common denominators of their activities as well as international and foreign policy of tacit understanding with the United States. On the one hand, they engaged in overseas works, such as fields of education, health, as well as scientific research. The activities of foundations were consistent with American foreign strategies. On the other hand, the foundations supported American foreign strategies and policies Researches and provided for studies of foreign history and culture also. These international donations and activities not only promoted the recipient regions and the country's social and economic development, but disseminated the cultural values of the United States, and expanded the influences of the United States. The fourth part is the foundations and the United States foreign policy. This part analyzes how foundations of the United States give effect on foreign policy and the styles which to influence foreign policy . Through direct financing to international activities, staffs exchange between foundations and foreign policy decision-making body, the close relations and interactions between thinking tank and foundations, supporting research topics, publishing research reports, foundations play important roles in the decision-making of foreign policy of the United States.The fifth Part is about relations between foundations of the United States and China. As China's political, economic, military and culture conditions and national strength and influence aggrandizing rapidly, American foundations have paid attentions to China. This part introduces some foundations of the United States which have close relations with China and its China projects.The conclusion points out that the United States social development can not separate from foundations, and puts forward some useful comments and suggestions for construction and development of the foundations of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:American foundations, the United States foreign policy, American Foundations and China
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