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"Human Flesh Search" In Internet Time And It's Commercialization

Posted on:2010-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the time that we have invented and use the Internet, new words are popping out constantly. Especially in recent years, "Human flesh search" events on the Internet are also surprised us from time to time and are gaining great social effect. Because of so, this phrase has quickly become one of the hottest on medias and social phenomenon. Through these years' development, many commercial websites have started the wars of "Human flesh search" commercialization in order to acquire some predominations over others in today's fierce media competition. Here is going to study and discuss this interesting topic and to deep analysis all aspects of the commercialization of it in this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Human Flesh Search", Internet Time, "Human Flesh Search" commercialization
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