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Legal Pros And Cons Analysis On "Human Flesh Search"

Posted on:2011-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of the Internet, "human flesh search" emerges rapidly as a new type of search tools. "Human flesh search ", as a man-involved searching approach in the network, uses the close community and human work to find the answers. It embraces the characteristic of efficiency, accuracy and systematic comparing with Baidu, Google and other search engines. In internet age, searching engine has become an inevitable part of our life. To some extent, it helps to punish the evil and protect the kind, however, it may easily intrude people's privacy. Wether "human flesh search" is a ghost or a angel, it is still in discussion."Human flesh search" pops up with the aim to back up the morality and righteousness. People began to get used to using it to the social disputable issues, because it really "upholds justice" and let people assure that the fuzzy moral boundary has been clarified. And meanwhile, another voice which speaks that "human flesh search" violates people's privacy.In this paper, the author discusses from the "wong case". The whole paper consists of three parts. Part1:to introduce the concept of "human flesh search" and how it develops; part2:to analyze the legal value of "human flesh search" from three parts; part3:analyze the negative effects of "human flesh search"."Human flesh search" has become a monitoring tool to maintain justice and morality, however, it also violates people's privacy. It's just like a double-edges sword. Therefore, how to regulate it through legal approaches to avoid weakness and foster strengths is the main focus of the paper. At last, we can achieve the goal of ruling by law.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human flesh search, Justice, Reputation, Privacy
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