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Researh Report Of Altay Xinjiang Grassland

Posted on:2011-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiFull Text:PDF
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Grassland is the main land and terrestrial ecosystems, the main body, is China's largest green ecological protection is to safeguard the national ecological security an important resource. The development of grassland animal husbandry in pastoral areas is also an important material basis and the main ethnic minority ghettos. Grassland in the promotion of sustainable socio-economic development in pastoral areas and national unity and social stability, has an irreplaceable role.Grassland enforcement is the primary means of protection of grassland ecology, grassland ecology is an important component of governance. Altay region in Xinjiang, a typical grassland animal husbandry areas, to carry out the work of grassland supervision and increase grassland law enforcement, and for effective protection of the local grassland resources, to maintain ecological safety, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers and herdsmen have very important significance.In this paper, Altay region, Xinjiang grassland survey-based law enforcement efforts, from a legal point of view, according to "ask questions-analysis of the problem-to solve the problem" of writing ideas, Altay region of grasslands on the work of law enforcement analysis and elaboration.Grassland in the Altay region of in-depth investigation work, the author of laws and regulations to develop the status quo from the prairie, grassland law enforcement agencies the status quo, grassland legal knowledge to publicize and study the status quo, lawn sign occupied by the management of the status quo, grassland management status of wild medicinal plants and grassland Dispute Resolution The six major aspects of the work of the status quo analysis of grassland in the region the status of law enforcement and existing problems, combined with the actual situation in Altay region, Grassland Law from a perfect supporting laws and regulations to strengthen the sign occupied by grassland management, and accelerate the establishment of grassland eco-compensation mechanism, and improve law enforcement and supervision way grasslands, to strengthen publicity and education, strengthen the quality and improve the level of law enforcement put forward some proposals and ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grassland afairs enforcement, Current, Question, suggestions
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